đź“— How Do You Find Your Niche?

Welcome to the Flick Creator Club!

If you’re new here, every week we send out the best tips to help make you a better content creator.

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We really appreciate it.

This edition will focus on how you can discover and start creating in a niche that interests you.

Let’s get started!

⏱️ Estimated read time: 1 minute, 9 seconds

What are your passions?

The first step in discovering your niche is evaluating your passions.

Are there any hobbies that you really enjoy?

What kind of content do you enjoy consuming?

Those kind of things.

Once you figure that out, you need to start researching that area.

What creators currently dominate that area?

Now that you’ve figured out what kind of content you want to make, you need to dive deep into that niche and discover who else is making content there.

Is there a certain topic that other creators inside of that niche haven’t covered yet?

If so, then consider creating content around that topic.

Be open-minded.

Remember, just because you start creating content in one niche, you can always decide to switch things up in the future.

Everyone starts somewhere, and as long as you keep listening to your audience’s feedback, and reiterating your content, it will get better every time.

Thanks for reading this edition of the Flick Creator Club!

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Until next time, keep creating!