đź“— How Do You Stay Consistent?

Welcome to the Flick Creator Club!

If you’re new here, every week we send out the best tips to help make you a better content creator.

And if you’ve been here before, you’ll notice that the newsletter looks different than usual.

That’s because we’ve done a full redesign to try and make this newsletter look as appealing as possible.

Now, enough waiting, let’s get into this edition.

⏱️ Estimated read time: 1 minute, 15 seconds

How do you stay consistent?

Everyone knows the algorithm favors consistency, so why aren’t we being consistent?

Well, it’s most likely one of the following reasons.

  • You’re burnt out

  • You’re trying to make perfect content

  • You’re not getting immediate feedback

Getting burnt out.

I understand getting burnt out.

It happens to all of us.

What helps me is remembering the reasons I got started with content creation in the first place.

If you can remember that, it will give you a boost of motivation to get through what you’re working on.

Making perfect content.

When it comes to trying to make perfect content, just don’t try it.

It’s impossible to make perfect content.

Just create a piece of content, collect feedback, and keep improving.

Not receiving feedback.

It can be discouraging if you’re not receiving any feedback right away.

Just keep creating and sharing your content.

As soon as you get a few people who actively engage with your content and give you feedback, you’re content will most likely start to improve.

Thanks for reading this edition of the Flick Creator Club!

If you enjoyed it, please consider sharing it with a friend.

Until next time, keep creating!